I created a single page webapp using what I learned from the back-end portion of my web development course. The server code is written in Node using Express for the back-end framework. It uses EJS for the view engine, Passport for authentication, and Mongoose as an Object Data Modeling library for communicating with a MongoDB database. The front-end code is written in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It uses the Bootstrap front-end framework, as well as jQuery for manipulating the DOM and Ajax for making asynchronous calls to the server. The server is provided for free by Heroku and uses MongoDB Atlas for a free cloud-based MongoDB cluster.
The app is a simple to-do list as well as a work log for tracking progress on the day's objectives. Users can register an account so that they can log in before starting their day and their data will be saved in case their browser window is closed or they switch computers. I've also include an audio player so that users can listen to free public domain classical music while they work.
HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Git, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, EJS, Node, NPM, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose
dotenv, express, body-parser, https, mongoose, ejs, lodash, express-session, passport, passport-local-mongoose, path, jquery